Use of HashiCorp Vault in YAOOK/K8s
As of Summer 2023, YAOOK/K8s exclusively supports HashiCorp Vault as backend for storing secrets. Previously, passwordstore was used. Vault supports many different kinds of secrets and in particular its support for managing PKIs made it attractive for YAOOK/K8s.
A Vault instance can be the backend for one or more YAOOK/K8s clusters; it is not required that each cluster has a separate Vault. It is also possible to use the Vault instance for something else in addition to hosting YAOOK/K8s clusters, though this is not recommended to avoid accidental exposure of credentials.
Vault primer
If you are already familiar with Vault, you can skip this section.
Vault is a secret storage engine. Secrets are organized in so-called secrets engines. Each engine manages a different type of secret. For YAOOK/K8s, the three most important secret engines are:
Generic Key/Value (
, version 2)
Secrets are accessed via HTTPS. Secrets engines are mounted at a URL path, so that everything at and below the mount point is handled by that secrets engine.
For example, if we mount a kv
engine at foo/
and an ssh
engine at bar/
then https://vault-server/foo/xyz
is handled by
the kv
engine and https://vault-server/bar/baz
is handled by the
engine. Any other path would cause a 404 (with exceptions, see
In addition to secrets engines you mounted, Vault also has some internal
endpoints, as well as the auth/
prefix under which authentication
methods live.
Authentication methods can, like secrets engines, be used in a very modular fashion. For YAOOK/K8s, the approle method is most important. It allows to create role/secret pairs, which are functionally identical to a username/password pair. These are intended to be used by machine accounts and in YAOOK/K8s they are used to give each node a unique credential.
Access to data in Vault, including authentication configuration, happens via HTTPS calls. The actions on an item (create, update, delete) are distinguished using standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE). The access control is based on policies, which in turn grant access to specific HTTP methods on paths. That way, very fine grained access control is possible, even down into specific parts of a secret engine.
Organization of Data in Vault
All secrets engines used by YAOOK/K8s are mounted below the yaook/
path prefix. (This prefix is configurable, but that is not well-tested.)
Each cluster gets its own secrets engines, to improve the isolation
between different clusters. The per-cluster secrets engines are mounted
at yaook/$cluster_name/...
, where $cluster_name
is configured in
of the cluster configuration.
The following six secrets engines are used:
, a KV2 engine for generic secrets (wireguard key, service account signing key, …)yaook/$cluster_name/k8s-pki
, a CA to issue identities within the Kubernetes cluster (e.g. API server, nodes)yaook/$cluster_name/k8s-front-proxy-pki
, a CA to prove the identity of the Kubernetes API server for API extensionsyaook/$cluster_name/etcd-pki
, a CA to issue identities within the etcd cluster (e.g. cluster peers, clients)yaook/$cluster_name/ssh-ca
, an SSH certificate authority to allow verifying node SSH keys without prior knowledge
In addition to the secrets engines, YAOOK/K8s has a shared approle
authentication method at yaook/nodes
. This auth method is used to
provide credentials for the individual nodes of all clusters.
Vault UI
Vault comes with a web user interface. In order to access the web interface, enter the cluster repository and run:
$ sensible-browser "$VAULT_ADDR/ui/"
environment variable is automatically provided if you
have actions/
sourced in your .envrc
, as is
recommended. sensible-browser
is a Debian-ism. On non-Debian
distributions, you may want to echo "$VAULT_ADDR/ui/"
instead and
just open that link.
After opening the web UI page, you need to log in. You can log in as root using the root token. The root token can be displayed using:
$ echo "$VAULT_TOKEN"
Or copied into the (X) clipboard using (does not work on Wayland, most likely):
$ echo "$VAULT_TOKEN" | xsel -bi
On the use of Ed25519 keys
By default, all scripts in this repository generate Ed25519 key pairs for CA-level keys.
The reason for this is that elliptic curve keys are generally smaller and thus easier to store offline, if your policies require such treatment. Ed25519 is preferred over NIST-ECDSA, simply because based on implementation issues in the recent years it seems to be the more robust algorithm for long-term must-not-be-exposed secrets.
The downside is that this renders the setup incompatible with Ubuntu
versions older than 20.04 LTS (and probably other operating systems) due
to lack of support in the respective python3-cryptography
On policies
The vault/
script (see below) creates Vault policies which
are used for and by the LCM. There are separate policies for K8s nodes,
K8s control plane nodes, gateway nodes, common nodes and the
All except the orchestrator role are used by machines provisioned by the
LCM. The orchestrator role is designed to be used to run and use the
LCM. It has sufficient privileges to execute all scripts listed below,
except the
script, but including the mkcluster-*.sh
Hence, this role is rather powerful, but it’s still better than a root token.
Using a token or approle account with the orchestrator role is the recommended way to invoke the LCM. For development setups, the LCM defaults to running with the root token.
To run the LCM with a custom token, set the VAULT_TOKEN
variable. To run the LCM with a custom approle, set the
environment variables (see also
Vault tooling variables).
Currently, only approle
is supported as an auth method
besides token
. Additional auth methods could be implemented as
The approle-related environment variables described above are
only supported by the ansible LCM. They are not supported by the
CLI tool or the vault scripts. To use different privileges
with those, manually log into Vault using the CLI and export the
resulting token via the VAULT_TOKEN
environment variable.