Upgrading Kubernetes

Upgrade implications / disruptions

  • All pods will be rescheduled at least once, sometimes more often

  • All pods without a controller will be deleted

  • Data in emptyDir volumes will be lost

General procedure


With Kubernetes v1.29, the user specified in the admin.conf kubeconfig is now bound to the kubeadm:cluster-admins RBAC group. You should therefore re-generate your admin.conf kubeconfig after upgrading to Kubernetes v1.29 by e.g. using our login script

$ ./managed-k8s/actions/k8s-login.sh
  1. Ensure that the cluster is healthy. All pods managed by us should be Running or Completed. Pods managed by the customer should also be in such states; but if they are not, there’s nothing we can do about it.

  2. Execute the upgrade playbook from within the cluster repository:

    $ MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true ./managed-k8s/actions/upgrade.sh 1.x.y
  3. Once the upgrade executed successfully, update your config to point to the new K8s version:

    kubernetes = {

Skip Intermittent Cluster Health Verification

Simply said, during a Kubernetes upgrade, all nodes get tainted, upgraded and uncordoned. The nodes do get processed quickly one after another. In between the node upgrades, the cluster_health_verification-role is executed. This role contains tasks to verify the cluster has converged before tainting the next node.

These intermediate tasks can be circumvented by passing -s to the upgrade.sh-script. The flag has to be passed between the script path and the target version.

$ # Triggering a Kubernetes upgrade and skip health verification tasks
$ MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true ./managed-k8s/actions/upgrade.sh -s 1.22.11

Kubernetes Component Versioning

General Information

In general, we’re mapping the versions of components which are essential for Kubernetes to properly work to the Kubernetes version in the k8s-config role.

All versions of non-essential components are not mapped to the Kubernetes version, i.e. all components/services above the Kubernetes layer itself.


The calico version is mapped to the Kubernetes version and calico is updated to the mapped version during Kubernetes upgrades. However, it is possible to manually update calico to another version. That procedure is describe in calico.

PKI Renewal

Before triggering the actual Kubernetes upgrade, the certificates, kubeconfigs et al. are verified and renewed on all Kubernetes nodes if necessary. This step can be explicitly triggered or skipped via the renew-pki tag. This can save some time if an upgrade has to be aborted and restarted.

Explicitly trigger PKI renewal:

$ AFLAGS="--diff -t renew-pki" MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true bash managed-k8s/actions/upgrade.sh 1.27.12

Skip PKI renewal:

$ AFLAGS="--diff --skip-tags renew-pki" MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true bash managed-k8s/actions/upgrade.sh 1.27.12