Environment Variable Reference

The cluster management action scripts rely extensively on environment variables to interact with the cluster. A full overview of the variables is provided below. It is strongly recommended to read the whole document before starting to initialize a cluster repository for the first time.


It is recommended to use direnv to automatically set the required variables. The cluster repository contains an .envrc which should be committed and contain all cluster specific settings. It sources ~/.config/yaook-k8s/env which should contain all user specific settings which apply to all clusters. Additionally, .envrc.local is sourced which should not be committed and contain settings which are specific to cluster and user.


This repository contains a template file which you can use. However, you must adjust some of its values.

Minimal Required Changes

When initializing your env vars from the template, you´ll need to minimally (sic!) adjust the following ones:

  • If you’re deploying on top of OpenStack:

    • OpenStack Credentials

    • SSH Configuration

      • TF_VAR_keypair (user specific)

    • VPN Configuration

      • wg_private_key_file (user specific)

      • wg_user (user specific)

  • For potentially productive setups, setting YAOOK_K8S_CA_*_OVERRIDE as described in the template is strongly encouraged.

Details about these can be found below.


Environment Variable




Boolean value which either force enables or force disables coloured output of the scripts. By default, the scripts check whether they are running inside a tty. If they are, they will use coloured output. This environment variable can be set to override the auto-detection.

OpenStack credentials

We support v3password (user name / password) and v3applicationcredential (application credentials) as authentication schemes. They differ in the set of environment variables you have to provide.


  • User name/password based authentication requires additionally: OS_PASSWORD, OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID, OS_PROJECT_NAME, OS_USERNAME, OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME.

  • Application credential based authentication requires additionally: OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3applicationcredential, OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID, OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.

  • These MUST be set if you want to deploy on OpenStack.

  • These variables are used by Terraform to create, maintain and destroy the underlying harbour infrastructure layer. They are also needed by the Cloud Controller Manager when applying the k8s-base layer.


These credentials are copied into the cluster. You SHOULD use a dedicated OpenStack project for your cluster.


Only use this exact set of variables. Using other, semantically similar variables (such as OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME instead of OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID) is not supported and will lead to a broken cluster; the configuration files inside the cluster are generated solely based on the variables listed above.


Currently the combination of thanos and application credentials is not supported.

Sample openrc for user name/password based authentication

export OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3password # optional
export OS_AUTH_URL=https://identity.xyz:5000/v3
export OS_PROJECT_ID=0xdeadbeef
export OS_PROJECT_NAME="janedoes-project"
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME="Default"
export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID="default"
export OS_USERNAME="jane.doe@xyz"
export OS_PASSWORD="super_secure"
export OS_REGION_NAME="abcd"
export OS_INTERFACE=public

Sample openrc for application credentials based authentication

export OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3applicationcredential
export OS_AUTH_URL=https://identity.xyz:5000/v3
export OS_REGION_NAME="abcd"
export OS_INTERFACE=public

External resources

Environment Variable





This git URL is used by init-cluster-repo.sh to bootstrap the LCM (yaook/k8s) repository. Can be used to override the repository to use another mirror.



If set to true, init-cluster-repo.sh will checkout the release version that is written in the version file on the default branch of MANAGED_K8S_GIT.

If set to false, the default branch of MANAGED_K8S_GIT is used (usually devel).


If set and MANAGED_K8S_LATEST_RELEASE set to false, the specified branch will be checked out by init-cluster-repo.sh.



Path to the Terraform root module to change the working directory for the execution of the Terraform commands.

Secret Management

Environment Variable





Address of the HashicorpVault server expressed as a URL and port.



Vault authentication token.

VPN Configuration

Environment Variable





This variable defines the name of the WireGuard interface to create. The interface name must match wg-quick’s regex [a-zA-Z0-9_=+.-]{1,15} and should start with wg. Examples: wg0, wg-k8s-dev. This variable is used by the wg-up.sh-script.



The ID of the wireguard endpoint to use when connecting to the VPN, as defined in the config at wireguard.endpoints.



Path to your WireGuard private key file. This is not copied to any remote machine, but needed to generate the local configuration locally and to bring the VPN tunnel up. You MUST adjust this variable or wg_private_key. This variable is used by the wg-up.sh-script.


Alternatively you can directly export your WireGuard private key instead of a path to it. The key is injected via wg set to prevent leakage. This variable is used by the wg-up.sh-script.



Your WireGuard user name as defined in the wireguard configuration (or, if enabled, wg_user repository). You MUST adjust this variable. This variable is used by the wg-up.sh-script.

SSH Configuration

Environment Variable





Defines the keypair name (in OpenStack) which will be used during the creation of new instances. Does not affect instances which have already been created. You MUST adjust this variable if you want to deploy on top of OpenStack. This variable is used by the apply-terraform.sh-script.


The SSH user to use to log into the machines. This variable SHOULD be set. By default, the Ansible automation is written such that it’ll auto-detect one of the default SSH users (centos, debian, ubuntu) to connect to the machines. This only works if the machines were created with a keypair of which you hold the private key (see TF_VAR_keypair).

Behavior-altering variables

The variables in this section should not be set during normal operation. They disable safety checks or give consent to potentially dangerous operations.

Environment Variable





Boolean value which defaults to false. If set to true, this allows the LCM to perform disruptive actions with Ansible. See the documentation on Disruption actions for details. By default, Ansible will avoid to perform any actions which could cause a loss of data or loss of availability to the customer. This comes at the cost of not performing certain operations or refusing to continue at some places.



Boolean value which defaults to false. If set to true, this allows the LCM to perform disruptive actions to the harbour infrastructure (with Terraform).



Boolean value which defaults to false. If set to true, it will delete all Thanos monitoring data from the object store before destruction.


By default, wg-up.sh will check if an explicit route for the cluster network exists on your machine. If such a route exists and does not belong to the wireguard interface set via wg_conf_name, the script will abort with an error. The reason for that is that it is unlikely that you’ll be able to connect to the cluster this way and that weird stuff is bound to happen. If you know what you’re doing (I certainly don’t), you can set to any non-empty value to override this check.


This allows to pass additional flags to Ansible. The variable is interpolated into the ansible call without further quoting, so it can be used to do all kinds of fun stuff. A primary use is to force diff output or only execute some tags: AFLAGS="--diff -t some-tag".


The destruction of the cluster will fail if Thanos monitoring data is still present in the object store. The reason for that is that terraform is not configured to delete the data by default. The reason for that, in turn, is that we want the operator to be aware that possibly contract-relevant monitoring data needs to be explicitly saved before destroying the cluster.


You should not use the AFLAGS-mechanism to pass sustained variables to Ansible. These variables should be set in your Ansible configuration file or hosts file(s).


If you have already initialized you cluster repository, you’ll need to rerun the init-cluster-repo.sh-script after enabling the Customization layer.

Vault tooling variables

  • YAOOK_K8S_CA_ORGANIZATION_OVERRIDE: Overrides the “organization” name in X.509 identities for CAs (root and intermediate) created by the Vault tooling.

  • YAOOK_K8S_CA_COUNTRY_OVERRIDE: Overrides the “country” identifier in X.509 identities for CAs (root and intermediate) created by the Vault tooling.

  • VAULT_TOKEN: Standard environment variable where the Vault CLI, all scripts and the LCM look for a ready-to-use token. Note that the LCM (and only the LCM, i.e. the ansible roles) ignores this variable if VAULT_AUTH_METHOD is set to a value different than token.

  • VAULT_AUTH_METHOD (LCM only, default: token): The authentication method to use for all orchestrator-controlled Vault operations. The only other supported value is approle, which requires VAULT_AUTH_PATH, VAULT_ROLE_ID and VAULT_SECRET_ID to be set.

  • VAULT_AUTH_PATH (LCM only, no default): Path to the authentication engine to use. Only used for non-token VAULT_AUTH_METHOD.

  • VAULT_ROLE_ID (LCM only, no default): If VAULT_AUTH_METHOD is set to approle, this must be set to the role ID to authenticate with.

  • VAULT_SECRET_ID (LCM only, no default): If VAULT_AUTH_METHOD is set to approle, this must be the secret ID to authenticate with.

  • YAOOK_K8S_VAULT_PATH_PREFIX (default: yaook): Vault URI path prefix to be used for all secrets engines used by YAOOK/K8s. Changing this is not fully supported and at your own risk.

  • YAOOK_K8S_VAULT_POLICY_PREFIX (default: yaook): Vault policy name prefix to be used for all policies created by YAOOK/K8s. Changing this is not fully supported and at your own risk.

  • YAOOK_K8S_VAULT_NODES_APPROLE_NAME (default: $YAOOK_K8S_VAULT_PATH_PREFIX/nodes): Vault auth engine mount point to be used for the approle engine used to authenticate nodes. Changing this is not fully supported and at your own risk.


Variables which do not really fit into another category.

Environment Variable





Boolean value which defaults to false. If set to true, a minimal shell environment which contains barely enough packages to establish a connection to the cluster will be sourced when moving into the cluster repository.



Selects the devShell to be loaded. Possible values can be found in nix/dependencies.nix (dependency group names: minimal, default, …).



If set to true, the package environment is not updated automatically (e.g. when switching between branches) thus speeding up rebases etc. It can be manually updated with yaook-direnv-reload.


The template file is located at nix/templates/cluster-repo/.envrc and will be added to the cluster repository by init-cluster-repo.sh.

# Example .envrc file.
# shellcheck shell=bash

# This file is meant to be checked into the VCS and to contain
# environment variables specific to the cluster and shared
# between users.

# User specific variables are read from 3 locations.
#   1. ~/.config/yaook-k8s/env
#   2. the next .envrc in parent directories
#      (via source_up)
#   3. .envrc.local
# The first can contain user specific variables
# that apply to all clusters.
# The second can be used to target subsets of
# clusters.
# The third is for user and cluster specific
# variables and is sourced in the end of this .envrc
# so it can override variables.

source_env ~/.config/yaook-k8s/env || true
source_up || true
# For up-to-date direnv versions one can also use:
# https://direnv.net/man/direnv-stdlib.1.html#codesourceenvifexists-ltfilenamegtcode
#source_env_if_exists ~/.config/yaook-k8s/env
# https://direnv.net/man/direnv-stdlib.1.html#codesourceupifexists-ltfilenamegtcode

source_env "$PWD/.envrc.local" || true
# For up-to-date direnv versions one can also use:
# https://direnv.net/man/direnv-stdlib.1.html#codesourceenvifexists-ltfilenamegtcode
#source_env_if_exists "$PWD/.envrc.local"

source_env ./managed-k8s/.envrc.lib.sh || true
use flake_if_nix ./managed-k8s

# For more details on existing environment variables and their effects,
# please see docs/admin/cluster-repo.md in the managed-k8s lcm
# repository.

# Wireguard: Interface and config file name
# must match wg-quick's interface name regex [a-zA-Z0-9_=+.-]{1,15}
export wg_conf_name

# Specifies which wireguard endpoint to use as client
export wg_endpoint=0

# Optional: Vault: Activate Hashicorp Vault Docker container
export USE_VAULT_IN_DOCKER=false

# These should be set according to your org and country. This will be used to
# provision root and/or intermediate CAs depending on which workflow you chose.
# It is irrelevant for development/testing setups, but you should probably get
# this right for productive setups in order to avoid any confusion.

# Vault: Define Vault data storage path
#export VAULT_DIR

# Vault: Env var script for the Vault docker instance
# Resource your envrc.sh file again after you've started Vault,
# to source Vault related information, like VAULT_ADDR, VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN
#source "$(pwd)/managed-k8s/actions/vault_env.sh"

# Optional: Useful to be able to interact with the cluster via kubectl.

# Optional: Set this variable to false to init new clusters with the newest commit
# on the default (devel) branch instead of the latest release.

if [ -f "$KUBECONFIG" ] && ! yq -r '.users[0].user."client-certificate-data"' "$KUBECONFIG" | base64 -d | openssl x509 -checkend 186400 -noout >/dev/null; then
  echo "======="
  echo "WARNING: Your kubeconfig is expired or will expire within the next 24h. Please run ./managed-k8s/actions/k8s-login.sh to renew it"
  echo "======="