Releases and Versioning
In order to ensure that we do not ship broken things we need to test all changes before releasing them.
Guarantee stability by testing the entire system before releasing it
Support new Kubernetes versions quickly after their release
Release new features and fixes in a regular and fast way
Be able to hotfix old stable releases (this does not mean that we support every old release forever)
Be able to fix critical bugs/security issues within a few hours while not sacrificing stability
Versioning Overview
Yaook/k8s is developed and versioned according to cycles. Each development cycle has a predefined
amount of to-be-implemented features (but can of course have additional features and fixes implemented).
During each cycle contributors can merge changes to the main branch (devel
) of the k8s repository.
When the cycle ends all changes on the main branch are pushed to a release-prepare/v$Major.$Minor.$Patch
The goal of the release-prepare/v$Major.$Minor.$Patch
branch is to have a chance to test changes in a stable and controlled way.
Ideally no changes are made to the release-prepare/v$Major.$Minor.$Patch
branch anymore. Only necessary hotfixes are allowed.
The release-prepare/v$Major.$Minor.$Patch
branch is kept like that for a week at which point it merges to (or creates) a (new)
release-branch release/v$Major.$Minor
and gets a final version number.
Detailed branching model
The repository is structured in four branch-types:
The main working branch of the repository. Any change is first merged in here. Code in here can be expected to pass all linting as well as very basic functionality tests. When developing on Yaook/k8s this should be your base branch. You should not run any useful deployment from here. This branch is the only long-living branch.
All changes are developed in feature or fix-branches (the name is free), branching off and merging back to devel and therefore passing the beforementioned tests.
For every major and minor release we have a release-branch. This version should already be stable enough that it is usable for non-prod use cases.
For every major and minor release we have a separate branch. The
-branch is merged into or generates a new branch.
Versioning specification
We define the following versioning scheme following the SemVer concept ( $Major.$Minor.$Patch:
We increment Major by 1 if we have an incompatible change. This number is defined to be 0 during our current development.
We increment Minor by 1 every time we added at least one new feature in the release.
We increment Patch by 1 for every release not introducing a new feature. It starts from 0 for each normal release.
Hotfix process [to be defined]
define hotfix process (related to branching model)
We might from time to time need to build hotfixes for Yaook/k8s. To do this we follow the following process:
Each commit must contain a reference to the original issue using Hotfix-For: #$issueid
to help with transparency.
This process ensures that each hotfix has run through the normal validation pipeline and we can consider it stable.
If a hotfix is only relevant for an old version, then create a MR against the corresponding release/v$Major.$Minor
-branch directly and skip the other steps.
Graphical example
add hotfixing
Practical implementation
The following describes the practical implementation of these concepts.
Yaook/k8s implementation
The release pipeline of the Yaook/k8s repository is following these steps:
- create a
-branch based off devel
, if it’s a major or minor release- the corresponding
-branch, if it’s a patch-release merge
into it
- the corresponding
- create a
- on the branch do the following:
calculate the next version number based on the provided releasenote-files since the last release and write it to the version-file
generate the changelog using towncrier and remove the old releasenote-files
The pipeline for the release-prepare/v$Major.$Minor.$Patch
-branch does the following:
run all tests (linting, spawn cluster, cluster upgrades, diagnostics)
tag the commit with
if it’s a major or minor release- create a delayed job (one week) which
merges to (or creates the new branch)
triggers a MR back to
The pipeline for release/v$Major.$Minor
-branches does again some basic testing (lint, spawn cluster, diagnostics),
generates and publishes the documentation and tags the release with v$Major.$Minor.$Patch