

needs complete rewrite to become nice

This document should become a comprehensive documentation on the ipsec setup. I will feed it my notes and experiences along the way. I created the role ipsec-vpn that is part of stage2, i.e., strongswan will be rolled out on the gateway nodes. This setup ought to be pretty similar to wireguard. I am not sure yet what of the settings around wireguard will be helpful / sufficient for ipsec (forwarding, mtu). Also I don’t know yet if there will be a conflict between ipsec and wireguard. wireguard should remain the default VPN solution.

Tools over which I stumbled: - strongswan - strongswan-starter - charon(-cmd) - swanctl - Pluto seems to refer to the old IKEv1 daemon. Charon is a fresh re-implementation that aims to be compatible to Pluto and implements to IKEv1 and IKEv2.

I followed the instructions on digitalocean.com for a basic setup. The author proposes eap-mschapv2 as authentication (?) scheme. IPsec should not be tunneled via wireguard. Instead we need to use the public floating ip.

IPsec itself is implemented inside the kernel. The userspace tooling is responsible to configure the network and handle the authentication. IPsec use IKE, the Internet Key Exchange protocol. “Charon” is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls across the Styx to the world of the dead.

strongswan is a systemd service that invokes swanctl. It invokes charon-systemd. swanctl replaces the starter, ipsec and stroke tools.

swanctl works independantly from ipsec.conf.

Does that mean I configured the wrong configuration file (/etc/ipsec.d/ipsec.conf)?

On Arch, strongswan invokes swanctl. On Debian it uses starter and charon. That means the tooling is different :O and no surprise that I didn’t see any errors yet.

VICI is the “Versatile IKE Configuration Interface”. It’s an interface to configure, control and monitor the IKE daemon charon.

An example that uses strongswan-swanctl can be found here. Here you can find more examples.

/etc/swanctl/ contains the configuration of swanctl.

What do I put in local_addrs, what in remote_addrs? What is remote_ts? My laptop is behind a NAT, the gateway does not know about its public endpoint. TS is traffic selector. Split tunneling is the name of a scenario in which a client only sends traffic for specific destinations to the gateway. The initiator of an IPsec tunnel can request an additional IP address from the responder to use as an inner tunnel address. This address is called the Virtual IP local_addrs defaults to %any if not set and is hence optional. It’s useful if one wants to limit traffic to a particular interface.

The responder (server/gateway) does not receive a virtual ip. On the other hand, why should it? VirtualIP is cool in a setup in which the initiator is behind a NAT and cannot be reached.

How do I see that a tunnel is established? Where do I see any error messages? Where can I turn up the volume? strongswan.conf contains the configuration of charon-systemd. /etc/strongswan.d/charon-systemd.conf looks like a promising spot. Wiki. default = 2 sets the verbosity of all services that are not explicitly listed to 2. The level goes from -1 (silent) to 4 (all the things).

I see quite a lot of modules that I will not need. How do I configure / disable them? -> Static plugin configuration is discouraged unless you know what you’re doing. (Which I obviously don’t, yet).

Quoting the introduction to strongswan strongswan is a keyring daemon that uses IKE to establish a security association (SA) between two peers. IKE provides strong authentication of both peers and derives unique cryptographic session keys. An IKE session is often called IKE_SA in the docs. Besides authentication and key material IKE also provides the means to exchange configuration information (e.g., virtual IP addresses) and to negotiate IPsec SAs (often called CHILD_SA). IPsec SAs (CHILD_SA) defines which network traffic is to be secured and how it has to be encrypted and authenticated. A CHILD_SA consists of two components:

  • the actual IPsec SAs (two for each direction) that describe algorithms to encrypt/authenticate traffic

  • policies that define which network traffic shall use such an SA

Policies are derived from the traffic selectors (TS) negotiated via IKE when establishing a CHILD_SA. strongswan installs the negotiated IPsec SAs and SPs into the kernel by using a platform dependent kernel API.

Connections and CHILD_SAs defined in swanctl.conf can be started on three different occasions:

  • on traffic (if start_action=trap)

  • on startup (if start_action=start). The CHILD_SAs will not be restarted automatically when they go down. Other configuration settings are needed. This is not recommended. The user is encouraged to use trap policies instead (see above)

  • Manually (no start_action is provided). Use swanctl –initiate –child to start a connection

Possible values for (CHILD) SA proposals can be found here.

Forward traffic

remote_ts on Initiator sides basically claims which subnet ranges can be reached via this IPsec connection. The gateway is already configured to forward wireguard traffic (NAT). Wireguard traffic arrives over the wg interface which makes it easy to identify. A quickfix to also forward IPsec traffic is to add a rule that looks something like this:

iifname $wan ip saddr oifname $wan ct state new counter accept; is the virtual IP pool out of which an IP was assigned to the Initiator. This doesn’t cut, though, because coming from that subnet is only a symptom. What I actually want is to forward decrypted payloads.

nft >= 0.9.1 knows meta ipsec exists, nft >= 0.8.2 knows meta secpath exists. Both apparently detect IPsec traffic. Consequently the rule above becomes:

meta secpath exists iifname $wan ip saddr oifname $wan ct state new counter accept;


Disclaimer: I have no idea about the details here and if what I’m doing is sensible.

strongswan comes with builtin feature for load-balancing and failover. However, they sounded a bit limiting so we try to stick to our established keepalived/gateway setup. Note: DPD means “Dead Peer Detection”. strongswan offers the actions clear, restart and trap for dpd_action. restart, well, restarts the connection for the CHILD_SA on a timeout. dpd_delay must not be equal to 0 to trigger the sending of “Informational” packets that check the reachability of the peer.

The test scenario was as follows: the roadwarrior continuosly pings a node in the private network. By starting or stopping keepalived (depending on the node and its priority) we simulate the loss of a gateway. It as expected that the pings stop reaching their targets for a period of time. The failover is considered to be successful if the IPsec tunnel is re-established automatically and traffic passes again between roadwarrior and the node. After the first failover, there should be another failover to the “original” gateway.


By default, strongswan uses policy based routing. Entries are injected into table 220.

  • To see all routing tables: ip rule list

  • To see all routing rule: ip route show table all

  • To see a specific routing table: ip route show table <N>

Inside the kernel, the IP framework xfrm is used to transform packets (e.g., encrypting payloads). ip xfrm * to see things.

I don’t see any traffic when I initiate the connection with swanctl --initiate --child home. The systemd log shows an error message:

sending packet: from[500] to[500] (240 bytes)
error writing to socket: Network is unreachable

tcpdump -venni any udp port 500 or port 4500 does not show any packets.

-> Issue was that 39 != 139. The whole thing was avoidable from the start by not setting local_addrs to a fixed value (it defaults to %any)


The problem statement: With the current setup a roadwarrior can reach the gateway and all nodes beyond the gateway in their private net. The gateway can contact the roadwarrior. But what if a node or a pod in the private network wants to reach the roadwarrior (probably more interesting in a site-to-site scenario)?

Bird should import routes from routing table 220 (ipsecs) into its internal routing table. It should export those routes via BGP. The BGP server of the CNI plugin should import them and expose them on the nodes.

FIB is short for Forwarding Information Base.

Kernel protocol is to exchange routes between a BIRD routing table and a kernel routing table (FIB). Instances of kernel protocol cannot share BIRD routing tables or FIBs. Use Pipe for that purpose.


# Table to collect all IPv4 routes
ipv4 table bgp_v4tab;

# In bgp_v4tab, import all routes from master4
protocol pipe {
    table bgp_v4tab;
    peer table master4;

Random notes from Jonas

  • On debian, I had to install strongswan-pki and strongswan-swanctl.

  • You can use swanctl --load-all to (re-)load config etc

  • EAP_IDENTITY not supported, sending EAP_NAK -> You also need lib{charon,strongswan}-extra-plugins installed, may need restart of strongswan-starter to apply

  • ipsec_subnet should be set to the k8s subnet methinks?? or at least not defaulted to some strange range…

Additional info on the usage in the LCM

  • IPsec is a customer-specific solution and should remain so, i.e., we only support what was required.

  • One example of that is the authentication means. We only support PSK here

Upload an IPSec EAP PSK to Vault

If you want to use IPSec, you have to upload the pre-shared key to vault before triggering the LCM. This can be done with the following command:


A root token is needed! The orchestrator role does not have enough privileges.

vault kv put yaook/CLUSTERNAME/kv/ipsec-eap-psk ipsec_eap_psk=YOUR_IPSEC_EAP_PSK

Migrate an existing PSK from Passwordstore to Vault

As we want to get rid of the legacy passwordstore solution to manage credentials and instead moved to using Hashicorp Vault as secret backend, one must migrate an existing IPSec EAP PSK to vault.

To migrate an existing IPSec EAP PSK from the passwordstore to vault run the following:


A root token is needed! The orchestrator role does not have enough privileges.

Ensure you updated your vault policies by executing:


Then execute:

# Please substitute CLUSTERNAME
./managed-k8s/tools/vault/update.sh CLUSTERNAME


Further information about these scripts can be found here.