Abstraction Layers
This document needs more details!
In order to allow users to use a kind of extensions or additional plays, a drop-in directory is created if enabled so which can be used to include custom tasks to the cluster-repository. These plays are automatically executed and are on the top of the abstraction layer as they rely on a working yk8s cluster.
The customization layer can be enabled via an environment variable.
KMS - Kubernetes Managed Services
The KMS layer sets up and manages Kubernetes resources and services which are specifically and only necessary for the deployment of an (automatically) managed yk8s-Cluster on top of OpenStack.
KSL - Kubernetes Service Layer
The KSL is the intermediate “service layer”, which introduces APIs and k8s features which are not part of a chocolate k8s cluster but which may still be useful/commonly used. This includes cert manager, ingress, ceph/rook as well as a basic prometheus-based monitoring stack.
This layer prepares, initializes, configures and maintains the kubeadm-based chocolate Kubernetes cluster. On this layer, the provided Kubernetes cluster will contain only necessary services. As this layer includes the management of the Kubernetes cluster, it is also the place for general actions against and with it, like e.g. upgrading to a newer Kubernetes version, adding nodes, or tearing it down. Note that this layer does not only interact with the control plane and (meta-)worker nodes, but also does some configuration to the frontend nodes.
This layer prepares and manages the basic frontend node setup. This includes SSH access, load-balancing, high availability, VPN and firewall setup and management. Kubernetes-cluster-specific configuration of these services happens in the k8s-base layer.
Harbour Infrastructure Layer
A yk8s-cluster can be built upon an (existing) OpenStack deployment or on Bare Metal.
yk8s on OpenStack
On each control plane node, an OpenStack cloud controller manager (CCM)
is running that acts as an interface between the cluster and OpenStack.
is started with --cloud-provider=external
. Block storage
can be dynamically provisioned by OS cinder via the Cinder Container
Storage Interface (CSI) plugin.
yk8s on Bare Metal
Merge information from incubator/installation-guide!5