Upgrading Rook and Ceph

The following sections describe how an existing rook-based Ceph cluster can be updated.

Ansible role rook_v2 (Helm-based installation)

The rook_v2 role should support any arbitrary helm chart version. We tested it both on bare metal and on OpenStack up to rook v1.11.


If you’re running on bare metal, prior to the upgrade to rook v1.8 you must set a custom ceph version as the one used by default contains the following bug which will fry your cluster: Ceph Bug #55970 A version known to work with rook v1.8 is Ceph v16.2.13.

A word of warning / Things to be considered


Upgrading a Rook cluster is not without risk. There may be unexpected issues or obstacles that damage the integrity and health of your storage cluster, including data loss. Only proceed with this guide if you are comfortable with that.

The Rook cluster’s storage may be unavailable for short periods during the upgrade process for both Rook operator updates and for Ceph version updates.

Rook upgrades can only be performed from any official minor release to the next minor release. This means you can only update from e.g. v1.2.* --> v1.3.*, v1.3.* --> v1.4.*, etc.

Downgrades are theoretically possible, but we do not (want to) cover automated downgrades.

How to update an existing Cluster

The rook version to be deployed can be defined in your managed-k8s cluster configuration via the variable version in the [k8s-service-layer.rook] section. If not explicitly defined, the latest version which has currently been tested is used.

Upgrade to rook_v2 (Helm-based installation)

  1. Make sure rook is at v1.7.11 as that’s the only overlap between both roles. (See below for the upgrade procedure)

  2. Set use_helm=true in the [k8s-service-layer.rook] section

  3. Apply the k8s-supplements or at least the rook_v1/2 role.


    As the upgrade is disruptive (at least for a short amount of time) > disruption needs to be enabled.

    # Trigger k8s-supplements
    MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true bash managed-k8s/actions/apply-k8s-supplements.sh
    # Trigger only k8s-rook
    AFLAGS='--diff --tags mk8s-sl/rook' MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true bash managed-k8s/actions/apply-k8s-supplements.sh

Steps to perform an upgrade

  1. Make sure you have read this document and checked the Considerations section in the Rook Upgrade Docs. (Please select your target version on the Documentation page)

  2. Determine which rook version is currently deployed. It should be the currently configured rook version in your managed-k8s cluster configuration file. To be sure, you can check the actual deployed version with the following commands:

    # Determine the actual rook-ceph-operator Pod name
    POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod \
    -o custom-columns=name:.metadata.name --no-headers \
    | grep rook-ceph-operator)
    # Get the configured rook version
    $ kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod ${POD_NAME} \
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[0].image}'
  3. (Optional, but informative)

    Determine which ceph version is currently deployed:

    $ kubectl -n rook-ceph get CephCluster rook-ceph \
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.cephVersion.image}'
  4. Depending on the currently deployed rook version, determine the next (supported) minor release.The managed-k8s cluster configuration template states all supported versions. If in doubt, all supported rook releases are also stated in the k8s-service-layer/rook_v1 role and at the top of this document.

  5. Set version in the rook configuration section to the next (supported) minor release of rook.

    # Currently we support the following rook versions:
    # v1.2.3, v1.3.11, v1.4.9, v1.5.12, v1.6.7, v1.7.11
    version = "v1.6.7"
  6. Apply the k8s-supplements or at least the rook_v1/2 role.


    As the upgrade is disruptive (at least for a short amount of time) > disruption needs to be enabled.

    # Trigger k8s-supplements
    MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true bash managed-k8s/actions/apply-k8s-supplements.sh
    # Trigger only k8s-rook
    AFLAGS='--diff --tags mk8s-sl/rook' MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true bash managed-k8s/actions/apply-k8s-supplements.sh
  7. Get yourself your favorite (non-alcoholic) drink and watch with fascinating enthusiasm how your rook-based ceph cluster gets upgraded. (Can take several minutes (up to hours)).

  8. After the upgrade has been proceeded, check that your managed-k8s cluster still is in a sane state via the smoke tests.

    $ bash managed-k8s/actions/test.sh
  9. Continue with steps {1,3..10} until you have reached your final target rook version.

  10. Celebrate that everything worked out ᕕ( )ᕗ

Updating rook manually

Currently, there is only one major release of rook.

Updating rook to a new patch version is fairly easy and fully automated by rook itself. You can simply patch the image version of the rook-ceph-operator.

# Example for the update of rook
# to a new (fictional) patch version of v1.7.*
$ kubectl -n rook-ceph set image deploy/rook-ceph-operator rook-ceph-operator=rook/ceph:v1.7.42

Updating rook to a new minor release usually requires additional steps. These steps are described in the corresponding upgrade section of the rook Docs.

Updating ceph manually

Updating ceph is fully automated by rook. As long as the currently deployed rook-ceph-operator supports the configured ceph version, the operator will perform the update without the need of further intervention Just ensure that the ceph version really is supported by the currently deployed rook version.

# Example for the update of ceph to
# a new (fictional) release v17.2.42
$ kubectl -n rook-ceph patch CephCluster rook-ceph --type=merge -p "{\"spec\": {\"cephVersion\": {\"image\": \"ceph/ceph:v17.2.42\"}}}"

Adding/Implementing support for a new rook/ceph release to managed-k8s

Adding support for a new rook or ceph release may be accomplished by the following steps.

Adding support for a new rook release

Check for new releases in the rook Github repository. Read the corresponding upgrade page at the rook Docs. Especially check the Considerations section there.

  • Most upgrade steps will be taken care of by Helm

  • In case any changes need to be made to the values of one of the charts, place them inside an if block, e.g.:

    {% if rook_version[1:] is version('1.9', '>=') %}
       createPrometheusRules: true
    {% endif %}
  • If necessary, implement any additional steps described in the rook Docs

    • Please also include the cluster health verification task prior and subsequent to the actual upgrade steps. As the ceph status update can slightly differ from release to release, you may need to adjust the cluster health verification tasks. You have to ensure backwards compatibility when adjusting these tasks.

  • Make sure your implemented upgrade tasks are included at the right place and under the correct circumstances in version_checks.yaml

  • Test your changes

    • Configure the new rook version in your managed-k8s cluster configuration

    • Make sure the correct upgrade tasks are included

    • The rook-ceph-operator logs are very helpful to observe the upgrade

    • Execute the smoke tests

Adding support for a new ceph release

If you notice that a new ceph release is available, I do not recommend modifying/updating the mapped ceph version of an already existing rook release in k8s-config. This would trigger existing clusters to perform a ceph upgrade once the change is merged.

Rook is getting patch releases on a relatively frequent basis. If a new patch version of rook is released, you can add it to the supported releases map in k8s-config along with the new ceph version you want to have support for. Patch version upgrades of rook do not require additional steps. In other words: Once a ceph release is bound to a rook release, do not change that. This way we ensure that existing clusters will not be accidentally upgraded (to a new ceph release).
