Actions References

The managed-k8s submodule provides the following ready-to-use action scripts to work with the cluster repository. The scripts extensively rely on environment variables. See the Environment Variables Reference for details.


Main action scripts:

Additional operating scripts:

Additional development scripts:

Additional helper scripts:

The is used for the Cluster Repository Initialization. Before executing this script you must have configured your environment variables. The script will create the basic cluster repository structure as described here. Except in very rare cases where a new feature requires it, you’ll need and should execute this script only once.

Apply Scripts


Apply Custom Script Visualization

High-level overview how the apply-*.sh action scripts work in general.

The figure above depicts how action scripts work in general. An action script gathers and prepares all the required prerequisites to run a specific Ansible playbook. In particular this means that the inventory is updated, the kubeconfig is loaded and the paths to the Ansible roles of the k8s-core and k8s-supplements components are prepared. In the case of running on OpenStack with gateway nodes in front, the action script also ensures that the Wireguard tunnel is established. The action script then invokes an Ansible playbook passing all the required surroundings to the invocation.

The triggered Ansible playbook can then serve different purposes like initialization of the Kubernetes cluster, installing additional services like a monitoring stack or upgrading an existing Kubernetes cluster. The playbooks may interact directly with the target nodes or with the Kubernetes API.

As we’re using Hashicorp Vault as secrets management backend, the Ansible playbook as well as system components of the cluster itself like the Kubernetes nodes do interact with the configured Hashicorp Vault instance to manage credentials and secrets.

The is a wrapper script which can be used to create a yaook/k8s-cluster on top of OpenStack.

In general, if you do not want to trigger action scripts in a more fine grained manner, this is the script to keep the cluster in sync.

The script updates the Ansible inventory, installs the Ansible galaxy requirements and applies the whole LCM by triggering the following other action scripts:

The triggers the customization playbook. It is enabled by default. You can disable the customization if not needed.

The allows to trigger the k8s-core functionality in whole by invoking its install-all.yaml playbook.

The allows to trigger the k8s-supplements functionality in whole by invoking its install-all.yaml playbook. This playbook takes the necessary preparations for the cluster if running on top of OpenStack and then invokes the k8s-core install-all.yaml playbook. After the Kubernetes cluster is created, it adds necessary and optional surroundings to the cluster.

This script contains the following functionality as subsets:

The takes the necessary preparations to deploy a yaook-k8s-cluster on top of OpenStack which covers bootstrapping, preparation and configuration of the gateway nodes in front of the Kubernetes cluster.

Apply Terraform Script Visualization

The creates and updates the underlying harbour infrastructure layer as defined by the configuration. It also creates and updates the inventory files for ansible (inventory/*/hosts) and creates some variables in the inventory (all files created have the terraform_ prefix).

This runs the cluster test suite. It ensures basic functionality:

  • Starting a pod & service

  • Cinder volume block storage

  • Rook ceph block storage (if enabled)

  • Rook ceph shared filesystem storage (if enabled)

  • C&H LBaaS (if enabled)

  • Pod security policies (if enabled)

  • Network policies (if enabled)

  • Monitoring (if enabled)

Destroy the entire cluster and all of its data.

This is, obviously, destructive. Don’t run light-heartedly.

Migrate an existing cluster repository which has been created pre-core-split to the new cluster repository structure. This script is idempotent.

This triggers system updates of the frontend nodes (part of the harbour infrastructure layer). As this may be a disruptive action, you have to explicitly allow system updates by setting MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN (see Environment Variables. Nodes will get updated one after another if they are already initialized. Between the node updates, it is verified that the cluster is healthy. These verification checks can be skipped by passing -s.

# Trigger system updates of nodes
$ MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true bash managed-k8s/actions/ [-s]

This triggers system updates of the Kubernetes nodes (part of the harbour infrastructure layer). As this may be a disruptive action, you have to explicitly allow system updates by setting MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN (see Environment Variables. Nodes will get updated one after another if they are already initialized. Between the node updates, it is verified that the cluster is healthy. These verification checks can be skipped by passing -s.

# Trigger system updates of nodes
$ MANAGED_K8S_RELEASE_THE_KRAKEN=true bash managed-k8s/actions/ [-s]

This script can be used to trigger a Kubernetes upgrade. More details about that can be found here.

This script can be used to verify the Kubernetes cluster health. It triggers the k8s-supplements playbook verify-cluster-health.yaml.

For clusters running on top of OpenStack, access to the Kubernetes nodes is provided by establishing a Wireguard tunnel to the gateway nodes.

When the Wireguard tunnel needs to be up, it is automatically setup by all apply-*.sh-scripts.

This script brings up the WireGuard VPN connection to the cluster.

It tries to be smart about not doing anything stupid and ensuring that you’re really connected to the correct cluster.

This Python script should be used to create new Ansible roles and update and extend the meta information of existing ones. The script can create and update roles with a minimal skeleton and an extended one (--full).

For further information on Ansible meta information take a look here.

usage: [-h] {init,update} ...

positional arguments:
  {init,update}  Desired action to perform
    init         Initialize the skeleton for a new ansible role
    update       Update the existing ansible role. This action only updates the meta/main.yaml of the existing ansible role. If you want to create missing skeleton directory structure use `--create-missing` argument.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit

This is a thin wrapper around Terraform. The arguments are passed on to Terraform, and the environment for it is set to use the same module and state as when run from

This is useful for operational interventions, debugging and development work (e.g. to inspect the state or to taint a resource in order to have it rebuilt when running

Example usage:

$ ./managed-k8s/actions/ taint 'openstack_compute_instance_v2.master["managed-k8s-master-1"]'

Creating a new role into the k8s-base directory:

$ python3 managed-k8s/actions/ init "ROLE_NAME" --path managed-k8s/k8s-base/roles

Updating the authors for all KSL roles:

$ python3 actions/ update '*' --path k8s-service-layer/roles --author "AUTHORS"

Update Inventory Script Visualization

The inventory updater is triggered automatically in advance of each action script. It cleans up the inventory and ensures the latest variable/value pairs from your configuration file are used.

The is included by other action scripts and defines commonly used variables and function definitions.