Simulate self-managed bare-metal Setup on OpenStack

This document describes how the self-managed bare-metal setup can be simulated with OpenStack resources. That’s useful if you want to verify this use case without having spare hardware available to do so.

The general approach is to utilize the Terraform stage to create the harbour infrastructure but then disable and remove everything in the environment that is specific to the Openstack based setup path before continuing.


Cluster repository initialization

Follow the cluster initialization documentation.

Disable Wireguard in your .envrc, but enable Terraform because we want to use it to create OpenStack resources:

$ export WG_USAGE=false
$ export TF_USAGE=true

Configure the [terraform] section in your config/config.toml. Adjust the configuration to meet your needs:

masters = 3
workers = 5
worker_flavors = [ "L", "L", "XL", "XL", "XL"]
subnet_cidr = ""
default_master_image_name = "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x64"
default_worker_image_name = "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x64"

Creation of the harbour infrastructure

Now we’re ready to create the resources.

$ bash managed-k8s/actions/

As this creates infrastructure for a cluster running on top of OpenStack, we have to remove everything which does not apply to the self-managed bare metal use case. We’re therefore going to delete all gateway nodes, their ports and associated floating IPs:

for gateway in managed-k8s-gw-az1 managed-k8s-gw-az2 managed-k8s-gw-az3; do
    openstack server delete "$gateway"
    openstack floating ip delete $(openstack floating ip list --port "$gateway" -f value -c ID)
    openstack port delete "$gateway"

Also remove the [gateways] section from the inventory inventory/yaook-k8s/hosts now and replace gateways with masters in the [frontend:children] section.

We can now disable Terraform in our .envrc:

$ export TF_USAGE=false

Create a jump host

Without the gateway nodes, there is currently no way to connect to the Kubernetes nodes from the outside. To access the Kubernetes nodes, we’re going to create a jump host.

Creating security group for the jump host:

$ openstack security group create ssh
$ openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 --ingress ssh --egress <security group name>

Creating the jump host itself:

$ openstack server create --flavor XS --image <image name> --key-name <openstack ssh keypair name> --network managed-k8s-network --security-group default --security-group <security group name> mk8s-jump-host

Creating and attaching a floating ip to the jump host:

$ openstack floating ip create shared-public-IPv4 --port $(openstack port list --server mk8s-jump-host -f value -c ID)

The jump host should be accessible via the attached floating IP now. We still want to harden it though. For the LCM to work, we have to adjust the hosts file which has been created previously by Terraform inventory/yaook-k8s/hosts.

  • Set on_openstack to false

  • Set networking_fixed_ip to the networking fixed ip created by Terraform * Check out the following vars-file: inventory/yaook-k8s/group_vars/all/terraform_networking-trampoline.yaml

  • Set subnet_cidr to the subnet cidr created by Terraform (and configured above in your config/config.toml) * Check out the following vars-file: inventory/yaook-k8s/group_vars/all/terraform_networking-trampoline.yaml

  • Set ipv4_enabled to true

  • Set ipv6_enabled to false

  • Add the jump host as target

Your hosts file should end up similar to this:


mk8s-jump-host ansible_host=<floating ip> local_ipv4_address=

localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter="{{ ansible_playbook_python }}"



managed-k8s-master-0 ansible_host= local_ipv4_address=
managed-k8s-master-1 ansible_host= local_ipv4_address=
managed-k8s-master-2 ansible_host= local_ipv4_address=

managed-k8s-worker-0 ansible_host= local_ipv4_address=
managed-k8s-worker-1 ansible_host= local_ipv4_address=
managed-k8s-worker-storage-0 ansible_host= local_ipv4_address=
managed-k8s-worker-storage-1 ansible_host= local_ipv4_address=
managed-k8s-worker-storage-2 ansible_host= local_ipv4_address=

SSH hardening the jump host

We’re now ready to SSH harden the jump host via the custom stage. Adjust the custom stage playbook k8s-custom/main.yaml and insert:

- name: Detect user mk8s-jump-host
  hosts: mk8s-jump-host
  gather_facts: false
  - vars/k8s-core-vars/etc.yaml
  - role: bootstrap/detect-user
    - detect-user
    - always

- name: Prepare mk8s-jump-host
  hosts: mk8s-jump-host
  become: true
  - vars/k8s-core-vars/ssh-hardening.yaml
  - vars/k8s-core-vars/etc.yaml
    ssh_allow_agent_forwarding: true
  - role: devsec.hardening.ssh_hardening
    tags: harden-ssh

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to configure agent forwarding for SSH, but it will get disabled by the hardening role. We have to manually enable it as we want to use sshuttle to connect to the Kubernetes nodes:

# Connect to the jump host

# become root (or edit the file with sudo)
$ debian@mk8s-jump-host:~$ sudo -i

# Edit the ssh configuration and enable
# ForwardAgent yes
$ root@mk8s-jump-host:~# vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Note that this will get overwritten on consecutive rollouts of devsec hardening, so you should revert the changes you did to the custom stage playbook k8s-custom/main.yaml and ensure devsec hardening is not re-triggered.

Connect to the Kubernetes nodes

At this point you should be able to connect to the nodes via sshuttle

$ sshuttle -r debian@<floating ip of jump host> <terraform.subnet_cidr>

Keep that connection open. We can now connect to the Kubernetes nodes. You can verify that by trying to SSH onto a node.


Note that ping does not work through a sshuttle tunnel.

Applying the LCM

We’re now ready to start the LCM:

$ bash managed-k8s/actions/

Simulating bare metal rook/Ceph

For rook-ceph to to be able to spawn OSDs, you need to attach volumes of desired size and type to the storage nodes which then can be used:

$ openstack volume create --size <disk size> --type <desired disk type> <disk name>

$ openstack server add volume <node name> <disk name>

Side notes

Ensure ch-k8s-lbaas is disabled

Ensure you disabled ch-k8s-lbaas:

enabled = false

Configuring Storage Classes

Ensure you’re configuring sane storage classes for services you enabled. In especially Hashicorp Vault by default uses the csi-sc-cinderplugin storage class which is not available when not connecting the Kubernetes cluster to the underlying OpenStack.

If you want to deploy Vault, set another storage class in your config/config.toml:

storage_class = "local-storage"